Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath inspired students at Rama University’s third convocation, urging them to embrace challenges and develop resilience. Drawing on examples from Indian history and global figures like Lord Krishna, Maharana Pratap, Einstein, and Newton, he highlighted how youth can turn adverse situations into opportunities. He encouraged students to pursue innovation and research while staying rooted in knowledge and moral values.
Speaking as the chief guest, CM Yogi emphasized the importance of respect for teachers and elders as a foundation for gaining knowledge. He shared how Indian traditions view religion as a blend of duty, morality, and values. “Youth should follow the path of religion alongside truth. It’s not just a method of worship but a guide to societal good,” he remarked.
He also commended Rama University for transforming into a hub for education, health, and innovation in just four decades. Highlighting advancements in communication technology, he urged students to embrace reforms and not shy away from technology.
CM Yogi inaugurated the Dr. BS Kushwaha Institute of Medical Sciences during the event. He congratulated students and parents while suggesting improvements in education, health, and innovation to the university management.
He concluded by advising students to seize opportunities with discretion and perseverance. “Adopting writing habits and embracing technology are key to progress,” he said. The event also saw the presence of dignitaries like Assembly Speaker Satish Mahana and Higher Education Minister Yogendra Upadhyay.
Also Read: Yogi Adityanath Reviews Maha-kumbh Preparations in Prayagraj; Urges Cleanliness and Hospitality
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