Jai Shri Ram and Bharat Mata chants can be heard echoing throughout Bhajanpura’s B-block today. Famous poet and social activist Bhuvnesh Singhal organized the cultural nationalist campaign “Children come, chant the mantra, take the gift” in honor of Ajsar Tha Guru Purnima. More than 350 children and women received gift packs including three different types of nourishing foods and plants in exchange for chanting mantras, chalices, aartis, and other religious texts.
The main guests included Sangh Pracharak Jagdish Mittal, president of Rashtriya Kavi Sangam, and Ambikesh Tripathi, personal secretary of MP Manoj Tiwari. On this occasion, Bhuvnesh Singhal stated that his campaign, which has been ongoing for a number of months, has been hailed throughout the nation as being particularly well-liked by young children. In this campaign, about 25 to 30 thousand girls and women have been chanting mantras and chaupais and connecting with the fundamental principles of Sanatan culture by reciting Chalisa, Aarti, Guruvani, Jinvani, and other passages.
Ambikesh Tripathi praised Bhuvnesh Singhal’s “Come Children, Listen to the Mantra, Take the Gift” campaign as a truly amazing initiative that helps individuals develop a strong sense of connection to their culture and nation while simultaneously teaching them how to speak in front of an audience. Today, I witnessed how Bhuvnesh Singhal painstakingly planted the seeds of their culture and values in the young minds of hundreds of individuals, ensuring that they would be devoted to their country for the rest of their lives.
According to Jagdish Mittal, young children who have learned the national anthem by heart have arrived at this location. These young children are telling tales, repeating mantras, describing the lives of heroes, and receiving various types of nourishing food. This effort to introduce kids to live’s fundamentals is very admirable.
Rajsingh Rajju, president of the Bhajanpura Mandal, reported that Bhuvanesh Singhal personally teaches mantras and other religious chants to young children who are unable to do so and encourages them to remember and return the following time. In a similar way, he encourages the mothers and sisters, telling them that everyone should teach their kids mantras, etc., and must involve them in the family’s worship lessons.
Also read: Eknath Shinde: “Opposition Won’t Even Get 4-5 seats In Lok Sabha Elections This Time”
Deepak Garg, a well-known social worker, is a major participant in this cultural initiative. On this occasion, attendees included District Vice President Narendra Chaudhary, Tapas Agarwal, Amar Jha, Vipin Kumar, Happy Gupta, Vivek Mishra, and Vaibhav Singhal.
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