Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath visited Gorakhpur on Monday afternoon and met with the public during the Janta Darshan on Tuesday morning. After spending the night at the Gorakhnath Temple, he interacted directly with citizens to listen to their grievances and directed officials to address the issues swiftly and efficiently.
During his visit, CM Yogi took time to meet around 150 individuals who were seated in front of the Mahant Digvijaynath Smriti Bhawan in the Gorakhnath Temple complex. He attentively heard their complaints one by one. Expressing his commitment to solving public issues, he assured the people that their concerns would be resolved transparently and to their satisfaction.
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Emphasizing the importance of resolving each issue, he instructed officials to act promptly, saying that negligence in addressing public problems would not be tolerated. “The resolution of every problem must be qualitative and transparent,” he remarked, reaffirming that the welfare of the public remains the government’s top priority.
The Chief Minister addressed various concerns, ensuring that justice would be served to each individual. He referred the applications of the complainants to the concerned authorities and ordered quick and thorough action on each case. CM Yogi also instructed officials to act with sensitivity when addressing public grievances, stressing that no injustice should be done to any individual.
In particular, he emphasized the need to take strict legal action against those involved in illegal land occupations or those who exploit the weak. “Such individuals must not be spared under any circumstances,” he directed.
Many people approached CM Yogi during the Janta Darshan seeking financial assistance for medical treatment. Responding to these concerns, the Chief Minister assured them that the government would provide full support for their medical needs. He handed over their applications to the relevant officials, instructing them to expedite the process of providing treatment estimates and ensure that assistance is made available without delay.
In addition to his public engagements, CM Yogi followed his traditional routine at the Gorakhnath Temple on Tuesday morning. He began his day by offering prayers and worship at the temple, followed by a visit to the Samadhi Sthal of his guru, Brahmalin Mahant Avedyanath, where he paid his respects.
As part of his customary duties, CM Yogi also spent time in the temple’s Gaushala (cow shelter), where he interacted with the cows. He lovingly fed them jaggery and caressed them with his own hands, taking a moment to play affectionately with one of the cows.
CM Yogi’s visit to Gorakhpur underscored his commitment to addressing public issues promptly and ensuring that citizens receive the support they need, while also honoring his spiritual practices.
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