The BJP on Friday tore into the Congress manifesto for Lok Sabha elections 2024 and said the seriousness of it could be understood from the fact that photos of New York and Thailand were used in it. “Recently the social media chairperson said she was not aware who was handling her social media account. At least the party should know who was making their manifesto at least,” BJP’s Sudhanshu Trivedi said. Showing the photo used in the Environment section, Trivedi said that the photo was from the favourite destination of Rahul Gandhi — Thailand.
“Congress president Kharge ji said when Congress came to power, not even a needle used to be manufactured in India. This is an absolute lie. CV Raman got the Nobel Prize in 1930. Indian Institute of Science (Bengaluru) was founded in 1909. But they will continue to believe that everything happened after Nehru,” the BJP spokesperson said.
The Congress on Friday released its manifesto promising the right to apprenticeship, a legal guarantee for MSP, and passing a constitutional amendment to raise the 50 per cent cap on reservations for SCs, STs and OBCs etc. “They have called the manifesto Nyay Patra after doing injustice to all sections of the country for all these years,” the BJP leader said.
Also read: BJP Doesn’t Just Talk, It Delivers: PM Modi In Churu
“It’s not a big issue that wrong photos have been used. But it is concerning these photos are of foreign entities. Until now, they have been going abroad and defaming India and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. But now they are borrowing foreign photos for their manifesto,” the BJP leader said.
The Congress did not fulfil either of the promises they mentioned in the manifesto either in the Centre or in the states during their rule, Trivedi said.
Reacting to the manifesto, Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma asked whether a foreign agency was hired to draft the manifesto. “Cong manifesto promises to remove an elected State Govt, restore triple talaq, makes a U-turn on OPS, has no delivery date on any of its promises, lacks a plan to harness benefits of Industry 4.0 and worst of all passes pictures from Thailand & America as that of India,” Himanta posted on X. rewrite this article
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