In Bhopal, Vedic pandits adorned in dhoti-kurta and adorned with religious marks have taken to a cricket pitch for an annual tournament designed to promote Sanskrit. The competition, spanning four days at the Ankur ground in Madhya Pradesh’s capital, commenced on Friday. Players and umpires actively communicate in Sanskrit, with even the commentators narrating on-field actions in the ancient language.
The event is organized in commemoration of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s birth anniversary, the spiritual leader who introduced transcendental meditation to the West. The winners of this year’s tournament will have the unique opportunity to visit Ayodhya, coinciding with the consecration of the Ram temple on January 22, as announced by an organizer.
Maharishi Maitri Match Committee member Ankur Pandey disclosed that the victorious team, in addition to receiving a prize of Rs 21,000, will be sent to Ayodhya after January 22. Runners-up will be awarded Rs 11,000. A dozen teams, including four from Bhopal, are participating in this fourth edition of the cricket tournament, aiming to foster Sanskrit proficiency and sportsmanship within the Vedic community.
Apart from monetary rewards, players are being honored with Vedic books and a 100-year ‘panchang’ (almanac), reinforcing the event’s commitment to promoting Sanskrit and instilling a sense of sportsmanship among the Vedic participants.
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