With the Lok Sabha elections looming, political tensions are escalating across the country. Simultaneously, the inauguration of the Ram temple on January 22 adds another layer of significance. Against this backdrop, Bharat Express conducted a comprehensive opinion poll in Ayodhya, delving into public sentiments on both the political landscape and the Ayodhya issue. Our survey team diligently captured the candid responses of the common people, addressing questions related to current politics alongside those concerning Ayodhya.
In the Bharat Express News Network survey, another question was posed –
10,124 individuals participated in the survey. Now, observe the predominant responses—whether they were mostly ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
The Bharat Express team previously conducted a survey focused on queries concerning the Lok Sabha elections and Ayodhya. During that time, hundreds of thousands of individuals shared their opinions on 15 distinct questions. We had presented the statistics from that survey as well.
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