Bharat Express First Anniversary: Celebrating its first anniversary, Bharat Express News Network marks a year since its inception. Renowned journalist Upendrra Rai laid the foundation of the ‘Bharat Express news channel on February 1, 2023, ushering in a new era of journalism. In just twelve months, ‘Bharat Express’ has revolutionized the media landscape, offering a refreshing perspective amidst the chaos of today’s news cycle.
On this special occasion, Upendrra Rai, the Founder, Chairman, and Editor-in-Chief of ‘Bharat Express News Network, addressed the Bharat Express family at the headquarters in Noida Electronic City. Viewers can tune in to watch his address live on the TV and YouTube channel. Exactly one year ago, on February 1, 2023, the foundation of Bharat Express Channel was laid with a ceremony held in a prestigious five-star hotel in Delhi, embodying the values of truth, courage, and dedication.
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