Amit Shah, the Union Home Minister announced 3 schemes worth Rs. 8000 Crore. The schemes are aimed at covering the modernization of fire brigade services in all states, flood prevention in seven major cities, and prevention of landslides in 17 states. Mr. Shah also addressed a meeting of the ministers of disaster management of different states and UTs. In his meeting, he urged to the ministers to make sure that there is no loss of life due to any natural calamity in the nation.
Amit Shah explained the details of the plan in his meeting. He said,”For the modernization and expansion of fire brigade services, about Rs 5,000 Crore assistance will be given to all states. We have prepared a detailed plan which will be forwarded to you. To mitigate the danger of floods in urban areas, in seven major cities — Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad and Pune — Rs 2,500 crore will be given. Its detailed plan will be sent to you. To deal with landslides in 17 states, almost Rs 825 crore will be given by the central government”
He further added, “All of us together, under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, all the chief ministers are working on the ground. We will have to work more and march ahead forward.”
Also Read: Biparjoy Cyclone: Union Health Minister Examines Preparatory Steps In Gujarat’s Bhuj
In order to prevent any incidents of potential calamity, according to Shah, the National calamity Management Authority (NDMA) has visited the states where seven nuclear power facilities are being built and sent strict guidelines for adoption.
“I appeal to all those concerned states to make it a priority. Before the commissioning of the nuclear power plants and before the generation of power, whatever disaster prevention measures have to be taken, should be taken. It is utmost necessity for all of us,” he said.
Mr. Shad exclaimed that during the tenure of PM Modi, the government has kept its best foot forward to manage any kind of natural disaster in the nation. He also added that one should not be relieved just because of that since the intensity of the disasters is increasing constantly.
“That’s why we all have to keep expanding our preparations. Disaster management is not a new concept in our country. There are documents available from Chanakya’s Arthashastra to the works of state administration of mythological times, all of them talk about disaster management,” he said.
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