In Tamil Nadu, a cattle owner was detained following the viral video of his cow attacking a nine-year-old girl. The footage of the event, which took place in Chennai’s MMDA Colony, shows the girl being assaulted by a cow while wearing a school dress and the animal’s horns. The cow was with its calf at the time. The girl is repeatedly attacked by the cow in a video that lasts more than a minute. Some males can be seen throwing stones at the cow in an effort to distract and frighten it away. After briefly moving away, it returned and attacked the girl, critically injuring her.
The girl was saved by the locals, and after being treated at a hospital for her wounds, she was released. Following an investigation and a complaint from the mother of the child, a 26-year-old male who claimed ownership of the cow has been detained. He has been accused of neglecting the animal and allowing it to roam free, which caused the child’s injuries.
The Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC) fined the animal owner 25,000 and placed the cow and its calf under surveillance in a cattle shed in Chennai’s Perambur neighborhood to determine if the attack was the cause of the cow’s illness or not.
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The youngster was walking home from school with her mother and her five-year-old brother, according to the police.
The girl s being treated at the hospital. The 26-year-old cow owner was taken into custody after her mother lodged a complaint.
For failing to properly care for the cattle and allowing it to roam, the police have reported him.
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J. Radhakrishnan, the GCC Commissioner, paid the girl a visit in the hospital. After receiving therapy, the child, according to him, was released. The situation, in his words, was “very unfortunate.” Reporters were informed by Radhakrishnan that the cow owner had been assessed a fine of 25,000.
J. Radhakrishnan observed, “Cows must not be permitted to stray onto roads.
In 2023, numerous cow owners received a combined fine of 51 lakh for letting their animals roam the streets, he continued.
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