Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury, a Congress MP, was suspended from the Lok Sabha on Monday, December 18, along with a few other opposition MPs for the balance of the Winter Session. As of now, there are 33 parliamentarians on suspension. 47 Members of the Opposition have been suspended from the Parliament’s two houses thus far. This comes after the opposition members of parliament raised a fuss over the December 13 event involving a security breach in the parliament.
Union Home Minister Amit Shah has been under pressure from the opposition to make a remark on the subject. K Jayakumar, Vijay Vasanth, and Abdul Khaleque had ascended to the Speaker’s platform in order to display their slogans. The House had adjourned earlier, and when it reconvened around 3 pm, BJP MP Rajendra Agrawal, in the chair, said that the MPs had been breaking the rules. “You have been repeatedly requested not to bring placards to the House,” he continued. Joshi then made a motion to suspend the members for the remainder of the winter session, which ends on December 22, after he had listed each member. Later on, the motion was approved.Not long after, the Lok Sabha was adjourned for the day.
In response to his suspension, Congress MP Adhir Ranjan declared that the current administration had reached the “heights of tyranny”.
“Every leader has been suspended, including me. For days now, we have been calling for the Home Minister to address the House and bring back our MPs who had been suspended previously. He makes daily announcements to the television and is able to talk briefly in Parliament about the measures the government is doing to ensure the safety of the building.The government of today has descended into absolute despotism…We desired conversation,” he remarked.
Congressman Abdul Khaliq denounced the government’s action as a “murder of democracy” and blasted it.
“Our sole request to the government was for an explanation on the security breach issue. We were suspended for merely inquiring about the date on which the Home Minister will address the House on this matter. The BJP MPs Pratap Simha and Ramesh Bidhuri are still at large. Democracy is being murdered by this. We’re going to keep speaking up,” he declared.
Gaurav Gogoi criticizes the administration
Congressman Gaurav Gogoi attacked the government sharply, saying that the BJP did not win office with the intention of controlling the Parliament. He mentioned the bulldozer and mentioned that it is operated in the Parliament.
“The bulldozers operating in the Parliament are visible to everyone in the nation. All this is is a means of stifling the leaders of the opposition. The opposition is being bulldozed in order to conceal the shortcomings of Union Home Minister Amit Shah.He remarked, “They have no intention of running the Parliament after taking office.
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