A tragic incident unfolded at a gaming zone in Rajkot, Gujarat, as a massive fire erupted on Saturday evening, claiming the lives of four individuals, according to officials. Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel swiftly directed authorities to focus on rescuing those trapped and providing immediate medical attention to the injured.
“The Municipal Corporation and administration have been instructed to prioritize rescue and relief efforts following the fire at the gaming zone in Rajkot. Immediate medical care for the injured is a top priority,” stated Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel.
Rajkot Police Commissioner Raju Bhargav confirmed the fire at the TRP gaming zone and acknowledged reports of casualties. The exact cause of the fire remains unknown and is under investigation. Rescue operations, supported by multiple fire engines, are currently underway.
Rajkot Municipal Commissioner Anand Patel sadly noted the loss of four lives, though the final count of casualties will be determined once the rescue operation concludes.
A fire officer, speaking to ANI, emphasized the ongoing challenge in combating the fire, compounded by the collapse of temporary structures and high wind speeds. Efforts to extinguish the blaze continue, with no reports of missing individuals received thus far.
The incident has prompted authorities to issue a directive for all gaming zones in the city to cease operations temporarily. A thorough investigation into the cause of the fire will follow once the situation is under control.
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