Deoria: In view of the Holi and Lok Sabha elections, the district police launched a campaign against illegal liquor and took action against 15 people on Friday. Superintendent of Police Sankalp Sharma said that the Sadar Kotwali police arrested Deendayal’s son Gujeshar Sakin Pidra police station Kotwali district Deoria and arrested him. Police also recovered 13 liters of illegal raw liquor.
Gauribazar police arrested Gangaram Bhagat son of Karamchand Bhagat village Kusumbha police station Bharno district Gumla Jharkhand and recovered 15 liters of illicit liquor from his possession. Tarkulwa police arrested Udal Singh son of late Ram Suchit resident of Balpur Srinagar police station Tarkulwa district Deoria, Ramesh Tigga son of Lela Oraon village resident Jadi Po-Mahuajadi police station Mandar district Ranchi (Jharkhand) and recovered 13 and 15 liters of illegal raw liquor from their possession.
Baghauchghat police arrested Pradeep Oraon son of Somrao Oraon village Badchaurgayi police station Bagdu district Lohardaga (Jharkhand) and recovered 08 liters of illegal raw liquor from his possession. Superintendent of Police said that Pappu Musahar son of late Rambeni Musahar resident of Udaipur police station, Bariyarpur district Deoria was arrested by Bariyarpur police, and 16 liters of illegal raw liquor was recovered from his possession. Ramnivas Rajbhar son of late, Parshuram Rajbhar, Kuiya police station Bhaluani district, Deoria was arrested and 11 liters of illegal raw liquor were recovered from his possession.
Also read: Protests Erupt in Assam Over Arvind Kejriwal’s Arrest: AAP and Raijor Dal Lead Demonstrations
Rampur Karkhana police arrested Ajit Majhi, son of Dukun Bhagat, resident of Devki Kusum Toli, Ghaghra district, Gumla (Jharkhand), Sanjay Oraon, son of Chamra Oraon, resident of Surta Toli, Vedo district, Ranchi (Jharkhand), and recovered 10 liters of illegal liquor from their possession. Rudrapur police arrested Keshav Nishad, son of Raja Nishad, resident of village Karmel, Gauribazar district, Deoria, and recovered 09 liters of illegal raw liquor from his possession.
Lar police arrested Satish Yadav, son of Omprakash Yadav, village-Hata police station, Lar district, Deoria, and recovered 15 bottles of banti bubbly, illegal country liquor, from his possession.
Shrirampur police arrested Kartik Oraon son of Sahadev Oraon village Devki police station Ghaghra Devki district Gumla state Jharkhand and seized 10 liters of illegal raw liquor from his possession. Pradeep Madheshiya son of Bhola Madheshiya S. by Salempur Police Deoria, Rakesh Kumar Madheshiya, son of Madan Lal Madheshiya, Hanuman Chowk, Majhauliraj Police Station Salempur District Deoria was arrested and 10 and 15 liters of illegal raw liquor was seized from his possession.
On the other hand, Meera Devi’s wife Moti Nishad S. was arrested by Surauli Police. Tarkulha Tola Village-Tiwai Police Station Surauli District Deoria was arrested and 10 liters of illegal raw liquor were recovered from his possession, all were challenged and sent to court.
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