Bollywood actor Vikrant Massey has revealed that Prime Minister Narendra got emotional at the special screening of his film, The Sabarmati Report. The 12th Fail actor also shared the conversation he had with the Prime Minister.
Sector 36 actor at an event shared his experience of watching a film while sitting next to PM. Reflecting on his experience he said, “Extensive discussion took place, and I believe it’s best to keep the details of the conversions that happened in that chamber confidential. However, I can share that he thoroughly enjoyed the film and appreciated the effort we put into it.”
Further, the actor added, “He liked my work a lot he told me. It’s a compliment that is going to stay with me for the rest of my life. I will tell my grandchildren that the then honourable Prime Minister of the country knows me by my name and that he has seen my movie. He thinks I am a good actor.”
Vikrant also took to his Instagram handle and shared the pictures. In the pictures, PM Modi could be seen watching The Sabarmati Report with other ministers sitting next to him. He captioned the post, “A day to remember for the rest of my life. Eternally grateful to the Hon. Prime Minister @narendramodi Ji for sparing the time to watch our movie. Your words of appreciation shall never be forgotten. #TheSabarmatiReport.”
Previously, PM Modi had praised the film for ‘revealing the truth’. Praising the movie, PM commented on the post with was shared on X, showcasing the trailer of the film. PM wrote, “Well said. It is good that this truth is coming out, and that too in a way common people can see it. A fake narrative can persist only for a limited period. Eventually, the facts will always come out!”
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