The Kerala Story, directed by Sudipto Sen, began generating online buzz before it was released, and it was met with numerous criticisms and controversies. The Adah Sharma starrer has assumed control over the movies, and a series of petitions and blacklist calls couldn’t prevent the film from its sublime run. Shabana Azmi stated recently that it is incorrect to request a ban on the controversial film The Kerala Story because the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) has approved the film.
“Those who speak of banning #The Kerala Story are as wrong as those who wanted to ban Aamir Khan’s #Laal Singh Chaadha,” the enduring actress wrote on Twitter earlier today, May 8. After a film has been certified by the Central Board of Film Certification, no additional constitutional authority can be established.
Including Adah Sharma, Yogita Bihani, Siddhi Idnani, and Sonia Balani, The Kerala Story was authoritatively portrayed as the tale of in excess of 32,000 Kerala ladies who had purportedly been radicalised by Islamic fundamentalists. Nonetheless, the number was changed to three after fighting the falsehood being spread by the film.
Regarding Laal Singh Chaddha, a segment of social media users initiated the “boycott Bollywood” movement in advance of the film’s August 11 theatrical release. The film, directed by Advait Chandan, stars Kareena Kapoor and Aamir Khan in the lead roles.
Also read: “Namaste, I Was So Proud To Wear…” – Actor Sonam Kapoor At King Charles’ Coronation Concert
“There’s a difference between ban and boycott, Shabana ji,” one Internet user wrote shortly after her tweet, while another added, “Shabana ji, you have rightly mentioned that seeking a ban on any movie passed by the CBFC, especially through bullying and violence, is not correct.” “I just wanted to point out that TKS is attempting to be banned, whereas LSC was not.”
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