On June 14, 2020, actor Sushant Singh Rajput Passed away. At his Bandra flat, he was found dead. The Central Bureau of Investigation began looking into the matter after his death. Three years have passed since that time, and the organisation is still looking into Sushant’s death. The CBI has recently provided new case updates. The most recent news states that the officials are awaiting word from the US regarding some technical evidence.
According to Hindustan Times, the agency formally asked Google and Facebook, both of which have their headquarters in California, to reveal the specifics of Sushant’s deleted chats, emails, and postings in 2021. The CBI wants to investigate the specifics to learn more about what actually transpired on June 14, 2020. According to the article, India and the US have an MLA that allows them access to information in any domestic probe that would otherwise be impossible.
“We are still waiting for a response from the US on this technical evidence, which may help us take the case to a logical conclusion,” a CBI officer told the portal. Because of this, the lawsuit is still pending. However, senior attorney Vikas Singh, who is defending Sushant’s family, rejected the assertion and claimed he was unaware of the demand for technical proof. In his words, “CBI is trying to give a slow death to the case.”
Devendra Fadnavis, the deputy chief minister of Maharashtra, recently discussed Sushant’s matter and said that the probe is still ongoing. In a Republic TV interview, he stated, “The information that was first available was based on hearsay. Some people, however, claimed to have strong evidence supporting these claims. We contacted them in response and asked them to provide the police the proof. We are now looking into the reliability of the provided evidence. Since the investigation is still ongoing, it would be premature for me to make any remarks on how the matter will ultimately turn out at this time.
Speaking about Sushant, his final movie, Dil Bechara, was released following his demise. Sanjana Sanghi played a significant part as well.
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