Actor-comedian Kapil Sharma, who is celebrating his 43rd birthday today, received a heartwarming birthday wish from his friend Sunil Grover. Sunil, who starred in the film “Jawan” alongside Shah Rukh Khan last year, shared a photo with Kapil Sharma on his social media handle, extending wishes for “health, happiness, and joy” on his special day. “Happy Birthday @KapilSharmaK9 pah ji. Wish you health, happiness, and joy, keep entertaining, now it’s of export quality 😉 Lots of love. 🎂🌺,” the actor-comedian wrote.
For those unfamiliar, comedians Kapil Sharma and Sunil Grover recently collaborated on the Netflix project “The Great Indian Kapil Show.” Sunil Grover had previously been a prominent part of Kapil Sharma’s shows such as “Comedy Nights With Kapil” and “The Kapil Sharma Show.” However, their collaboration ceased following an alleged incident in 2017, where Kapil Sharma was reported to have mistreated Sunil Grover during a flight from Melbourne.
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In a 2017 interview with Bollywood Hungama, Kapil Sharma addressed the flight incident, acknowledging that there was an issue and expressing regret for the fallout. He stated, “I admit there was a problem. And I’ve paid a heavy price for it. But what was reported was grossly exaggerated and almost entirely fabricated. It was said that I asked that food be served to me first on the flight and that I got angry and threw a shoe at Sunil. All these stories of shoe-throwing and tantrums were started in a section of the digital media.”
Following Sunil Grover’s departure from the show, Kapil Sharma publicly apologized on social media. He expressed remorse, stating, “Paji Sunil Grover sorry if I hurt you unintentionally. You know very well how much I love you. I am also upset. Love and regards always:)”
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