As the iconic film Aitraaz reached its 20th anniversary, filmmaker Subhash Ghai revealed exciting news on Wednesday morning. He announced Aitraaz 2, backed by “a finest script” and the product of “three years of hard work.”
Taking to Instagram, Ghai shared a memorable still of Priyanka Chopra from Aitraaz, commending her for her bold performance. He wrote, “BOLD AND BEAUTIFUL PRIYANKA CHOPRA DARED N DID IT. That’s why cine lovers cannot forget her performance even after 20 years in #AITRAAZ – produced by Mukta Arts.” Ghai recalled how Chopra initially hesitated to take on the role of an ambitious and assertive woman but ultimately delivered it with confidence.
Confirming the upcoming sequel, Ghai added, “Now MUKTA ARTS is ready for AITRAAZ 2 with a finest script with 3 years of hard work. Just wait n watch.”
Released in 2004, Aitraaz—directed by Abbas–Mustan and produced by Subhash Ghai—portrayed a powerful narrative about sexual harassment, loosely inspired by the 1994 film Disclosure.
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Starring Priyanka Chopra, Akshay Kumar, and Kareena Kapoor Khan, the film opened to critical acclaim and box office success. Known for its daring subject, it marked a turning point in Bollywood’s approach to complex themes.
Throughout the 80s and 90s, Subhash Ghai became one of Bollywood’s most celebrated filmmakers. His filmography includes landmark hits like Kalicharan, Karz, Ram Lakhan, Khalnayak, Pardes, and Taal. In 1982, he launched Mukta Arts Private Limited, and in 2006, he received the National Film Award for Best Film on Other Social Issues for Iqbal.
Ghai’s latest project, 36 Farmhouse, released in 2022. Written by Ghai and directed by Ram Ramesh Sharma, it starred Amol Parashar, Barkha Singh, Vijay Raaz, Madhuri Bhatia, Sanjay Mishra, and Flora Saini.
Fans now eagerly await Aitraaz 2, anticipating another bold and captivating storyline from Ghai and Mukta Arts.
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