Saira Banu recently delighted her Instagram followers by sharing previously unseen pictures and videos from her wedding to legendary actor Dilip Kumar on their wedding anniversary, which falls on October 11. The heartfelt reel includes glimpses of Saira Banu’s mehendi ceremony, the wedding rituals, a cake-cutting ceremony, and tender moments shared with Dilip Kumar. The video also features appearances by iconic actors Dev Anand, Raj Kapoor, and Raaj Kumar, who attended the wedding. Saira Banu starts the video with a voiceover, describing her marriage as “the dream of Cinderella.” She candidly reveals her long-standing “obsession” with marrying Dilip Kumar, dating back to her childhood.
In her note accompanying the video, Saira Banu expresses her gratitude to fans and well-wishers who have continuously remembered this special day. She reflects on the significance of October 11, a day when “time stood still” for both her and Dilip Sahib. After a two-year absence, she decided to share her thoughts and anecdotes about the legendary actor.
Saira Banu beautifully encapsulates her feelings as Dilip Kumar’s wife, describing their marriage as “sharing a throne without having to slog for it.” She likens it to a real-life Cinderella story and acknowledges the rarity of being married to the man of her dreams.
In the post, Saira Banu highlights the exceptional qualities that made Dilip Kumar stand out. She praises his immense personality, versatile knowledge, and wide-ranging interests, from Urdu and Persian poetry to anthropology and sports. She shares how every day spent with him felt like discovering a new page in a captivating book.
Saira Banu concludes her heartfelt tribute by describing Dilip Sahib as an iconic guiding light, not just for her but for generations inspired by his gracious presence and vibrant personality. She prays for his eternal well-being and ends with “Aameen.”
Saira Banu’s Instagram account has become a treasure trove of throwback memories, shedding light on her and Dilip Kumar’s personal and professional lives. The couple, who acted together in films like Sagina Mahato, Bairaag, and Jwaar Bhaata, got married in 1966.
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