Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, recently, met Prime Minister Narendra Modi on December 10. The Kapoor family planned a meeting with PM to invite him to the Raj Kapoor Film Festival, which celebrates the actor’s 100th birth anniversary. The Film Festival began on December 13.
The Devara actor called described the meeting as ‘special’. Saif also shared that despite coming directly from Parliament, the PM was warm and greeted the Kapoor family with generosity.
Speaking to the media, the actor said, “He arrived after a day in Parliament, so I was wondering if he would be tired. But he put on a warm smile and was attentive and charming with us all.”
Sharing about his conversation with PM, the actor further added, “He asked about my parents individually and said he thought we would bring Taimur and Jehangir to meet him. He signed a paper for them that Kareena asked him to.”
Moreover, the Omkara actor praised PM and called him hard-working. Saif told the media, “To me, he looked like he was working very hard running the country and still taking time to connect on this level. I asked him how much rest he got, and he said about three hours a night. It was a special day for me.”
“We thanked him for taking out some of his valuable time to see us and give the family so much respect”, added the Jawani Jaaneman actor.
Also Read: Ranbir Kapoor Shares His Experience Of Meeting PM Modi, Calls It A ‘Special Day’
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