Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan sustained multiple injuries during an attempted burglary at his Bandra West residence in Mumbai on January 16. According to a medical report, Saif suffered injuries to his back, wrist, neck, shoulder, and elbow. The injuries are not life-threatening but required immediate medical attention.
The attacker entered Saif’s house late at night and assaulted him with a knife. Saif underwent surgery at Lilavati Hospital and was discharged on January 21.
The medical report detailed Saif’s injuries, including a 0.5 to 1 cm wound on his back and a 5 to 10 cm cut on his left wrist. A deeper injury, measuring 10 to 15 cm, was found on the right side of his neck. Additionally, he sustained a 3 to 5 cm wound on his right shoulder and a critical 5 cm wound on his right elbow.
His manager and close friend, Afsar Zaidi, took him to Lilavati Hospital early on January 17. The actor was admitted at 4:11 a.m., and his condition was monitored closely by doctors.
Mumbai Police arrested the suspect, Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad, on January 19. The Bangladeshi national had been using the alias Vijay Das and was employed by a housekeeping agency. Police revealed that Shariful had arrived in Mumbai five to six months ago.
To apprehend the attacker, police formed 35 teams and questioned over 50 people. The violent act shocked the upscale Bandra West community, known for its high security.
The attack has also alarmed Bollywood, with Saif’s colleagues expressing their concerns over his safety. The investigation into the incident is ongoing.
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