Raghav Chadha and Parineeti Chopra announced their engagement a little more than a week ago. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader once walked the runway for a fashion designer, according to a few Instagram accounts that dug out the information while followers continued to show them affection. Raghav is seen doubling as a model and walking the runway in a black outfit in the image that is currently going viral.
In the image, the politician is difficult to identify. Soon after the image went viral on social media, Raghav was mocked by users in the comments section. “Jijaji ki Bollywood mai entry,” a user on social media commented. Another said, “Hero ban sakte hai, sir ji.” Yehi kar lijiye bhaiyan aap, commented one of the comments. “I initially mistook Raghav for Raghav Juyal when I saw him. I’m shocked right now,” read the fourth comment.
On May 13, Raghav and Parineeti exchanged vows in New Delhi. Around 150 people attended the event, which was held at Kapurthala House in Central Delhi and included Arvind Kejriwal, the chief minister of Delhi; Bhagwant Mann, the chief minister of Punjab; and Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Parineeti’s cousin. Parineeti and Raghav announced their engagement and posted identical images from the event after hearing the news.
Then they wrote a letter together, thanking everyone for their support. “Everything we have heard and seen has moved us deeply, and we want to thank you all very much. We set out on this trip confident that you are all behind us.” A special thank you to our wonderful media buddies. Parineeti and Raghav thanked you for supporting us throughout the day in a note posted on each of their social media pages. The pair have not yet made their wedding date public.
After being spotted together numerous times over the past few months, Raghav and Parineeti were thought to be dating. With their first photos taken on the engagement day, they formally announced their romance after the wedding. “Everything I prayed for, I said yes!” it read.
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