Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha made it official after the two attended a fantastic function in Delhi. The engagement took place in the national capital, at the Kapurthala residence. It was attended by prominent political figures. Priyanka Chopra, Parineeti’s sister, and a global icon, flew down to witness their union. The pictures of the lovers demonstrate that it was a dreamlike event that looked like something out of a fairy tale. After the wonderful commitment service, the entertainer is flying back to Mumbai and says farewell to her ‘dil’ and “Dilli.”
It’s time for Parineeti Chopra to get back to reality after a grand celebration. The actress seems to be returning to Mumbai after her engagement ceremony with Raghav Chadha in Delhi. She took to her Instagram handle to share a picture from the Delhi airport, where we can see the view of the beautiful city. But what caught our attention was the caption she wrote with the picture. Parineeti wrote, “Bye, bye, Dilli. Leaving my daddy behind.”
Yesterday, the wedding planner for Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha posted a lovely note to them and praised them on her Instagram account. She expressed, “It’s true; these two incredibly warm and brilliant individuals are locked in. They are public figures, which comes with their own perceptions, and up until I interacted with them, I probably was the same as everyone else. an actor and a politician. They are people who work hard, are inclusive, very responsive, generous, and loving. It was so simple to be around them, to talk to them, and to exchange ideas with them. They truly thrive off of one another.
Also read: How Much You Need To Pay To Attend The Cannes Film festival 2023?
The smallest details are what stand out. He treats her with such gentle indulgence. She is moony-eyed around him. The connection is evident. It is love. Thank you for including my family and me in your trust circle, @theweddingdesigncompany, @parineetichopra, and @raghavchadha88.
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