Bollywood Diva Deepika Padukone recently graced the 95th Academy Awards in Los Angeles. The actress introduced the Chartbuster song ‘Naatu Naatu’ from the globally famous film RRR. Padukone described the song as a ‘total banger’. Meanwhile, the actress’s speech video, which won many hearts across the world, went viral in seconds. Given its popularity, a Canadian DJ has now created an entertaining rap song based on her speech.
The DJ, known as SickKick, used the word ‘total banger’ from the Oscars speech and merged it with a catchy beat to create a remixed version. The video was shared by SickKick on his Instagram Handel. He wrote “I was watching the Oscars and heard @deepikapadukone’s incredible speech and got inspired to create this little piece of music…total banger.”
The video went viral and the users loved the rap song and praised SickKick. Many people also demanded a full version of the song.
One user wrote, ”I wonder if she realizes that she’s become another one of Sickick’s Sensations!”
Another commented, ”We need a full version of this total banger of a song.” A third said, ”Stop. Because it’s illegal to be that good.”
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The song which Is going viral also caught the attention of Deepika Padukone. She shared the video on her Instagram story.
Ms. Padukone introduced the song and said, ”An irresistibly catchy chorus, electrifying beats, and killer dance moves to match have made this song a global sensation. It plays during a pivotal scene in ‘RRR’, a movie about the friendship between real-life Indian revolutionaries Alluri Sitarama Raju and Komaram Bheem. In addition to being sung in Telugu and illustrating the film’s anti-colonialist themes, it’s also a total banger!”
She added, “It’s earned millions of views on Youtube and Tik Tok. Has audiences dancing in movie theatres all around the world and is also the first song ever from Indian production to be nominated for an Oscar. Do you know Naatu? Because if you don’t you’re about to. From the film RRR this is Naatu Naatu.”
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