There will be double celebrations for all Jawan fans. On Jawan trailer release day, Nayanthara, the heroine of the movie, made her Instagram debut with a bang. Nayanthara wrote in her Instagram introduction, Love, Strength, Peace,” and dropped a yellow heart emoji along with it. The Jawan actor shared two posts on his Instagram feed today, and they are all gold. Nayanthara’s first Instagram entry was no less intriguing than her Jawan character.
The actor displayed her style with her two toddlers in the first reel, which Nayanthara shared. Nayanthara enters the scene while carrying her two infant sons, Uyir and Ulagam. In the film, they’re all sporting huge sunglasses. “Naan vandhutaen nu sollu… (Tell me I’m here)” and an emoji was written in the caption by Nayanthara. Vignesh Shivan, Nayanthara’s husband and a director, greeted her on Instagram with the phrase “My uyirs. welcome to IG” and a series of emoticons.
No points are awarded for figuring out what Nayanthara’s second post might be. The star tweeted the Jawan trailer along with a sweet tribute to her “favvv”, Shah Rukh Khan. “My First With My Favvvv @iamsrk,” Nayanthara captioned the photo. This movie was created with a tonne of love, passion, and effort. I sincerely hope you enjoy it and continue to show your affection.
Look at Nayanthara’s post right here:
Nayanthara has a lot of active Instagram fan pages, but up until recently, her account wasn’t verified. Fans may view all of Nayanthara’s favourite Instagram posts from up to yesterday on Vignesh Shivan’s profile, though. A few days ago, Vignesh gave his Instagram followers access to behind-the-scenes photos of their Onam celebrations.
Also read: Jawaan’s Music Release Just Had So Much Going On That Drove Fans Crazy; Deets Inside
Vignesh captioned the photo while decked out for the occasion with, “In our very modest, beautiful existence! My Uyirs and Ulagamss wish everyone a very happy ONAM in advance, starting this lovely, straightforward moment that feels unique.
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