Mumbai Crime Branch officials revealed on Wednesday that the individuals involved in the shooting incident outside Bollywood actor Salman Khan’s Bandra residence had allegedly intended to intimidate him rather than cause harm. According to a Mumbai Crime Branch official, the accused had reportedly conducted surveillance of Salman Khan’s farmhouse in Panvel as part of their plan. Statements from both families have been recorded in Bihar, and approximately seven individuals from Haryana and other states have been summoned for questioning in connection with the ongoing investigation.
Sources have confirmed that the Mumbai Crime Branch will soon record Salman Khan’s statement as a witness in the case related to the shooting incident outside his residence. Reportedly, upon the arrival of Mumbai Police officials at Khan’s house following the incident, the actor expressed frustration and voiced concerns about his family’s safety. He also questioned the efficacy of the security provided by the Mumbai Police, given the presence of a substantial security detail at his residence.
Earlier revelations from the Mumbai Crime Branch indicated that the assailants had conducted a reconnaissance of Khan’s residence before carrying out the attack. Moments prior to the shooting, the perpetrators parked a motorcycle approximately 100 meters away from Khan’s residence at Galaxy Apartments in Bandra. After ensuring that there were no bystanders outside Khan’s house, the shooters approached the premises on the motorcycle, fired shots, and swiftly fled the scene.
In a separate development, the Mumbai Police filed a case against Anmol Bishnoi in connection with the shooting incident, citing his use of threatening language on Facebook. Anmol Bishnoi, the younger brother of incarcerated gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, allegedly made menacing remarks on Facebook regarding the incident.
Additionally, two suspects were apprehended by the Kachchh police and subsequently handed over to the Mumbai Crime Branch for further investigation. The two accused, identified as Vicky Gupta (24) and Sagar Pal (21) from Bihar, were remanded to the custody of the Mumbai Crime Branch until April 25 by Mumbai’s Killa Court following a medical examination.
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