On Sita Navmi, Kriti Sanon visited Pune’s Slam Mandir to look for the gifts of Shri Smash and Maa Sita. At the well-known Tulsibaug mandir, the actor was seen praying and offering to the idols. The makers of Adipurush also released two first looks and a new poster for Janaki, Kriti’s character, on the same day. Prior to the movie’s June release, a brand-new motion poster from the film was also made available to the public.
A fan account shared a photograph of the actress’s visit to the sanctuary on Twitter and composed, “.@kritisanon the entertainer looks for gifts of Shri Smash and Maa Sita at one of the most venerated Slam Mandirs in Tulsibaug, Pune, on the occasion of Maa Sita Navmi.” At the temple, Kriti is seen praying in a peach-colored Indian outfit. She also offers something to the idols in front of them.
Om Raut is in charge of directing Adipurush, which also stars Prabhas, Sunny Singh, and Saif Ali Khan. On June 16, 2023, the movie will be shown in theatres in Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam. On June 13, 2023, it will have its world premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York.
A brand-new motion picture poster featuring Kriti’s character was made available online on Saturday. Kriti’s Janaki’s new look shows the actor waiting for someone, probably Prabhas’ Ram, on top of a cliff. She is sporting an orange shawl and a beige saree. Another close-up of Janaki’s character shows her with a single tear in her eye. The sound of Smash Siya Slam can be heard delicately playing behind the scenes.
This year, Kriti and Kartik Aaryan appeared together in the movie Shehzada. She is at present going for maker Ekta Kapoor’s The Team with Unthinkable and Kareena Kapoor. She also has Ganpath: Part 1 with Tiger Shroff and Amitabh Bachchan scheduled for release. Together with Heropanti, Tiger, and Kriti made their Hindi film debuts in 2014.
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