At the recent Mumbai launch gala of the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre, Kajol and Nysa Devgn made a big impression. The mother-daughter pair ventured out in lovely white trousers, looking fabulous as usual. Kajol has now shared a few photos from the gala day, a few days later. Kajol and Nysa photoshoot is now going viral on social media.
The shoot’s carousel photos begin with a few Nysa Devgn solo shots. Photos of the mother and daughter striking glamorous poses follow these. On the other hand, the best is a candid shot of the two of them laughing together. Kajol commented on the pictures, “Mini me and me! We began with grace and then became humans. Mohit Rai and Saba Pataudi responded to the post with heart emojis.
Prior to that, Kajol posted a number of photos of herself from the same event and a lovely caption to accompany them. She penned: Confidence is not just mental. The chin tilt is what it is. It’s in the eyes’ rebellion. It’s your attitude of “I dare you” towards yourself. The smile’s “I know I’m beautiful” statement is what completes it. Demonstrate your faith to me.”
However, because Nysa chose not to smile while posing with her mother, many people referred to her as “too proud.” “Beautiful girl, people find negativity in everything; let them say whatever they want; mom and daughter are pretty,” a fan wrote in defence of her. “Beautiful and confident,” wrote another. “Kajol as usual, looks so pretty and nice,” wrote another. “Maa maa hi hoti (moms are moms) hai Kajol is likin damn good” was another comment.
Also Read: Is Aamir Khan Getting Back To His Action Thriller Movies?
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