RRR bagged the 95th Academy Award for India at the Oscars in the original song category for Naatu Naatu. While the whole country is busy celebrating India’s win at the Oscars, fans have noticed something weird. The reason behind this is the seating arrangement at the Oscars. Fans noticed that everybody except MM Keeravani and lyricist Chandrabose were situated close to the exit. The reason behind this turned out to be that they did not receive any complimentary tickets. The academy had not reserved those seats for team RRR. Instead, they had to be purchased by director SS Rajamouli himself.
Only Naatu Naatu composer MM Keeravani, lyricist Chandrabose, and their wives got free tickets to the Oscars in 2023. The Academy Awards team says that only the winner and their family will be able to get in for free, while everyone else will have to pay for a ticket to watch the event live.
As a result, tickets to the historic event are said to have been purchased by SS Rajamouli for both himself and the other members of his team. According to reports, each Oscars 2023 ticket will cost Rs 20.6 lakh.
SS Rajamouli attended the prestigious event for the first time with his wife Rama Rajamouli, son Karthikeya, and daughter-in-law. Along with their wives, the film’s lead actors, Jr. NTR and Ram Charan, attended the show as well. The Academy was criticized for giving them last-row seats just a few days ago.
Movie RRR, directed by SS Rajamouli, tells the story of Ram Charan and Jr. NTR, two freedom fighters. Additionally, important roles are played by Ajay Devgn, Alia Bhatt, Shriya Saran, Samuthirakani, Ray Stevenson, Alison Doody, and Olivia Morris. The epic action drama continues to make waves months after its release, breaking global box office records and winning prestigious awards.
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