Actor Ajay Devgn purchased five office buildings in Mumbai’s Andheri West neighborhood. The move comes two years after the actor paid Rs 47.5 crore for a property measuring 474.4 square meters at Juhu in Mumbai, according to Moneycontrol. The office apartments of the Signature Building, Oshiwara, along Veera Desai Road, have a combined area of 13,293 square feet, according to papers retrieved by data analytics company CRE Matrix.
According to the report, three units on the 16th floor are valued at Rs 30.35 crore, and stamp duty was paid in the amount of Rs 1.82 crore. 8,405 square feet is the total built-up area of the units. The actor also bought two additional apartments, totaling 4,893 built-up square feet, on the 17th level. It is said that these units cost Rs. 14.74 crore.
The office apartments are situated in the Signature Building, on the corner of Oshiwara and Veera Desai Road, according to papers discovered by data analytics from CRE Matrix.
Vishal (Ajay) Virender Devgan is the name on the deeds for the properties. Ajay’s actor wife Kajol also bought an apartment in the city. It is a carpeted space of 2,493 square feet and four car parking spots. A few days prior to Ajay buying the office premises, reportedly for Rs 16.5 crore.
Ajay Devgn recently appeared in the action movie Bholaa, which also starred Tabu. The movie, which debuted in March, was criticized for its poor box office performance. His schedule includes the long-delayed sports drama Maidaan. Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha, and the anticipated August 2019 release of the third Singham film.
On the work front, Ajay Devgn has an array of projects, including Maidaan, Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha, and Singham Again.
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