Actors Nora Fatehi and Abhishek Bachchan were spotted at a local event on Monday night. The pair has joined forces for Remo D’Souza’s upcoming movie, provisionally titled Dancing Dad, as exclusively revealed by Pinkvilla. Internet users may have seen a video of Abhishek and Nora celebrating the completion of their movie. Abhishek and Nora are seen dancing to the song Kajra Re in the video, which has garnered widespread attention for all the right reasons.
Nora wore a black backless dress with a thigh-high slit to the occasion. She was very gorgeous in the stylish dress. Abhishek, on the other hand, dressed for the event in a black hoodie and trousers. They are seen igniting the dance floor with their killer movements in the trending video. Abhishek, Aishwarya Rai, and Amitabh Bachchan sang Kajra Re, a song that has become a classic.
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It comes from Bunty Aur Babli. People still like to dance to the music 18 years after it was released. Abhishek and Nora were spotted having fun and dancing to the popular song. There were numerous fan organisations that disseminated the video. Look at this:
Along with posting the video to her Instagram story, Nora included the caption “It’s a wrap” along with the emojis for a red heart, an evil eye, and folded hands. Remo, on the other hand, declared the completion of the movie on social media by posting a photo of a clapboard with Ganpati Bappa’s idol in the background. It’s a big thank you to my #teamrd #ganpatibappamorya, he stated in his post.
Prior to now, a source told Pinkvilla that Nora will have a significant part in the movie. According to the source, Nora has a significant role in the movie, and Remo and Nora are eager to work together once more. She is giving her all to the part and will appear in a previously unseen avatar. In Ooty, they are currently filming. The proposal has support from a significant OTT platform. In Street Dancer 3D, Nora and Remo had previously worked.
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