The government approved a Rs 16,300-crore National Critical Mission on Wednesday. The total outlay of the NCMM mission is Rs 34,300 crore which will take seven years to complete as the country aims to become independent and move forward in the journey of green energy transition.
To explore the critical minerals within the country and at offshore locations, the public sector is expected to contribute Rs 18,000 crore to the mission, a release by the Ministry of Mines said.
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Critical minerals are essential for India’s self-reliance in the growth of clean energy as their uses range from wind turbines and electricity networks to electric vehicles and battery manufacturing. These minerals are copper, lithium, nickel, cobalt, and rare earth. The demand for these minerals is growing in the lean energy sector.
Information and Broadcasting Minister Ashwini Vaishnav highlighted the significance of the initiative as India eyes to reduce dependence on import of critical minerals.
“This mission is of Rs 16,300 crore,” he said, adding that 24 critical minerals have been identified.
He further said that a comprehensive plan is made in the mission.
“The Union Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has approved the launch of the National Critical Mineral Mission (NCMM) with an expenditure of Rs 16,300 crore and expected investment of Rs 18,000 crore by PSUs, etc,” the ministry said.
The National Critical Mineral Mission (NCMM) will include all stages of the value chain, from mineral exploration, mining, beneficiation, processing, and recovery from end-of-life products.
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