The Adani Group announced an investment of Rs 7.5 lakh crore in Rajasthan on Monday. The group will fund key infrastructure projects over the next five years.
Karan Adani, Managing Director of Adani Ports and Special Economic Zones (APSEZ), shared that four new cement plants will be set up in the state. He also noted that 50% of the investment will be made in the next five years.
The Adani Group plans to build the world’s biggest integrated green energy ecosystem in Rajasthan. This includes 100 GW of renewable energy, 2 million tonnes of hydrogen, and 1.8 GW of pumped hydro storage. The investment aims to create green jobs in the state.
Karan Adani also mentioned the development of Jaipur airport. This upgrade will improve connectivity and boost Rajasthan’s investment potential.
Long-term Commitment to Rajasthan
Karan Adani highlighted the group’s commitment to Rajasthan’s growth. He emphasized the state’s natural resources, heritage, and investor confidence as key drivers for future development.
These investments align with India’s broader economic vision. India expects to invest over Rs 143 lakh crore in infrastructure by 2030, with rapid development fueling the growth of satellite townships across the country.