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India logs 614 new coronavirus cases, highest since May 21

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Hurricane Helene Triggers IV Fluid Shortage in US Hospitals

Hospitals across the United States are facing a critical shortage of intravenous (IV) fluids following…

11 mins ago

BJP MLA Dr. Rajeshwar Singh Congratulates Paralympic Silver Medalist Suhas Yathiraj In Lucknow

Dr. Rajeshwar Singh, a prominent leader and MLA from Sarojininagar, congratulated Yathiraj on his remarkable…

13 mins ago

BJP Leader Dr. Rajeshwar Singh Visits Temples During Navratri Celebrations

Dr. Rajeshwar Singh, a prominent leader of the BJP and MLA from Sarojininagar, is visiting…

1 hour ago

Kolkata Doctors’ Hunger Strike Enters Day 2 Amid Protests

This protest is notable for its unique approach. While these six doctors—three female and three…

2 hours ago

Successful Rescue Of Stranded Mountaineers On Chaukhamba Peak After 80-Hour Effort

Rescue teams successfully rescued two stranded mountaineers from Chaukhamba Peak in the Chamoli district on…

2 hours ago

Ten Doctors Expelled From RG Kar Medical College Amid Ongoing Investigations

The authorities at RG Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata have officially expelled ten…

3 hours ago