On Sunday, former Union Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar deleted a social media post on X. The post mistakenly stated his 18-year public service career had ended. He clarified in a post that he meant his tenure as a Member of Parliament and as a Minister of State he conclued. Chandrasekhar, previously serving in roles related to Information Technology, Electronics, Skill Development, and Jal Shakti. When he lost to Congress MP Shashi Tharoor in the 2024 general elections.
Chandrasekhar’s post on X said, “Today curtains down on my 18-year stint in public service, of which three years I had the privilege to serve with PM @narendramodi ji’s TeamModi2.0. I certainly didn’t intend to end my 18 years of public service as a candidate who lost an election, but that’s how it’s turned out.” He thanked everyone who supported him, especially the BJP members who inspired him.
Shortly after, Chandrasekhar deleted this post and explained that the initial message. He stated that a new intern posted the tweet, causing confusion about his future political work. He stated, “Today marks the end of my 18 years as an MP and my three years as Minister of State in the Council of Ministers under Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ji. A tweet by a new intern in my team created confusion about my future political work.”
To clear any misunderstandings, he deleted the initial tweet. Which emphasized that his commitment to India and Thiruvananthapuram as a BJP member remains strong. “Thank you all who replied/msgs/called,” he added in his new post.
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