Superstar of the Indian film industry Salman Khan and legendary football player Cristiano Ronaldo appeared in the same picture while attending a boxing match in Saudi Arabia, marking an incredible crossover between Bollywood and football. Seated close to one another, Salman and Cristiano were observed watching Francis Ngannou. Although it’s unclear if Salman and Ronaldo spoke to each other outside the event, in one of the videos that went viral on social media, Salman can be seen getting a hug from the legendary “Ronaldo de Nazario.”
According to a rumor, Ronaldo is a huge fan of Ngannou, the former UFC champion. Ngannou and Ronaldo reportedly slept at the same hotel when Ronaldo first relocated to Saudi Arabia; the Portuguese football player even asked the Cameroonian to meet him there.
“We were sitting at the Four Seasons Hotel, which is where [Ronaldo] was living at the time,” he stated to TNT Sports. “We got to know Richie, one of his guys. “In actuality, Cristiano is a big fan of Francis,” he stated. Then he phoned Cristiano and said, “Bring them up.” They were in the pool at the time, and I thought to myself, “I hope this guy is not messing with me,” even as I was climbing up.
“Then, to my astonishment, Cristiano was almost waiting for us when we arrived up there. Is that Cristiano? We shook hands and said hello, ‘Hey, what’s up,’ and he was both extremely cool and quite familiar.”
Also read: India Dominates England in Cricket World Cup, Eliciting Memories of ‘Lagaan’
“He was telling me things about me and how he and his family watched my fight at four in the morning,” he continued. You have no idea who is actually watching you, I say to you. After all, I wouldn’t be shocked if he didn’t know who I was! But he is well familiar with me.”
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