A few more MPs suspended from Lok Sabha, including Leader of Congress in Lok Sabha Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury. 33 Opposition MPs have been suspended from the Lok Sabha today for the remainder of the Winter Session for causing disturbance in the House. Before this, on December 14, 13 Lok Sabha MPs and one Rajya Sabha MP were suspended for unruly conduct in Parliament. In total, 47 Opposition MPs, including one Rajya Sabha MP, have been suspended from the House for the rest of the Winter Session.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi shared a message celebrating India’s remarkable progress and the collective spirit…
The 5th International Conference of the Himalayan Indian Ocean Region Nations (HHRS) was officially inaugurated…
PM Narendra Modi marked January with key engagements across the nation. Explore the highlights in…
After the tragic incident at Maha Kumbh on Wednesday that killed 30 pilgrims, Uttar Pradesh…
All India Virat Wrestling Dangal Competition for February 2nd at Mahavir Chhapra, Belipar Police Station…
Mahant Divya Giri, the esteemed Mahant of Mankameshwar Temple in Lucknow and the national president…