Uttar Pradesh Finance Minister Suresh Kumar Khanna says, “The 2024-25 Yogi government budget will bring prosperity to the people of the state. It will speed up development and will move forward to achieve the target of a 1 trillion dollar economy. We are always ready for elections. Every sector according to its requirements has been taken care of.”
Sensex was trading at 75,756.52, down 433 or 0.57 per cent at around 9.32 am…
Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami will unveil the UCC portal at 12:30 pm, just ahead…
Pleas by CBI, Bengal Govt challenge the special court’s verdict and demand a death sentence…
Colombia reversed its refusal to accept deportation flights carrying its nationals from the US on…
India celebrated the day with grandeur at Kartavya Path in New Delhi. The event showcased…
Maha Kumbh Nagar in Prayagraj turned into a hub of patriotism and devotion on 76th…