Union Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal says, “They were enjoying while making the video. Look at their intention, they were insulting the Jat community, farmers, OBC community and the Vice President. They think that only they have the right to sit on that chair and how can a person from the Jat community or a farmer’s son sit on that Chair. We condemn this act.”
Delhi High Court has taken a significant step in the terror funding case against Baramulla…
The Supreme Court is set to hear a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) on January 24,…
The Delhi High Court granted permission to Sameer Mahendru, an accused in Delhi liquor scam…
In a significant development in the fake Special Leave Petition (SLP) case, a bench comprising…
BJP candidate Satish Upadhyay, contesting from the Malviya Nagar Assembly seat in Delhi, received a…
Acharya Pramod Krishnam, the Peethadheeshwar of Shri Kalki Dham in Sambhal, began a three-day visit…