Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar invoked the authority vested in him to revoke the suspension of all 11 members of the House, enabling them to attend the Special address by the President to be held on 31st January, 2024 on the first day of Budget Session.
Despite a slowdown in 2024, India’s long-term growth outlook stays strong. The report suggests that…
LG Vinai Kumar Saxena announced elections for the new Delhi Legislative Assembly, following the Election…
On Friday, Arvind Kejriwal accused the BJP of being involved in large-scale vote fraud in…
At Bharat Express Conclave in Prayagraj, Deputy Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Brajesh Pathak calls…
A 12th-grade student has been arrested for sending bomb threats to several schools in Delhi…
EAM S Jaishankar underscored India's commitment to women-led development, highlighting its importance in the country's…