Rajasthan BJP chief CP Joshi says, “Today, an ordinary party worker has been given an opportunity to lead the state…It is a matter of happiness for us that two people from our team – Bhajanlal ji and Diya Kumari ji have been given important responsibilities. The oath-ceremony will take place before ‘Malmaas’.”
Congress party released its third list of candidates for Delhi Assembly elections, naming 16 individuals,…
ACP of Noida Police, and his dedicated team for their outstanding support and seamless coordination…
The Sector-20 Noida Police, along with SWAT/CRT team of Gautam Budh Nagar, engaged in a…
PM Narendra Modi will dedicate three major naval combatants—the INS Surat, INS Nilgiri, and INS…
According to a Raj Bhavan official, Lieutenant General Tiwari briefed the Governor on the current…
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh reiterated on Tuesday that the BJP-led central government views both Delhi…