Nissan Motor India on Monday said it has appointed Saurabh Vatsa as the Deputy Managing Director with immediate effect. He will report to Managing Director Rakesh Srivastava and support in implementing the company’s ongoing transformation roadmap, the automaker said in a statement. The appointment is reflective of the company’s transformation plan to meet the opportunities and challenges ahead for the automotive industry in India, it added. Vatsa joins Nissan from Stellantis, where he was a member of the Stellantis leadership team and spearheading the Citroen brand since its inception in India. “His (Vatsa) appointment underpins our commitment to invest USD 600 m USD (Rs 5,300 crore) in India as part of the Alliance and introduce more products for the Indian consumer as part of the transformation plan,” Nissan India Operations President Frank Torres said.
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During Maha Kumbh, CM Yogi Adityanath's Cabinet approved transformative projects for Uttar Pradesh's development.
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In a Cabinet meeting chaired by CM Yogi Adityanath, the UP govt approved 10 major…