Five Maoists were arrested in Jharkhand’s Chatra district, police said on Sunday. Superintendent of Police Rakesh Ranjan said a ‘sub-zonal commander’ was among the five people belonging to Tritiya Sammelan Prastuti Committee, a splinter group, arrested from the Tandwa police station area on Saturday evening. The ‘commander’, identified as Adesh Kumar Ganjhu alias ‘Prabhakar Ji’, was wanted in several cases of arson and extortion in the Tandwa coalfield area, he said. The other four were identified as Upendra Kumar Ganjhu alias Bhola, Laldev Kumar Ganjhu, Pintu Kumar Ganjhu and Rajesh Kumar Ganjhu. Arms and ammunition were also seized from them. Among these were a rifle, two pistols, 14 live cartridges, a knife and pamphlets of the banned organisation, the SP said.
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