Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath says, “There is an atmosphere of celebration in entire Ayodhya Dham, Uttar Pradesh and the country for Ram Temple’s ‘pranpratishtha’ ceremony. I have come here to conduct an inspection of the arrangements given the programme. The authorities and the ministers of the state govt have already completed their planning for the historic programme on January 22.”Yogi Adityanath further says, “The state government has made preparations to give full assistance to the devotees coming to Ayodhya for ‘darshan’. A green corridor has also been set up for devotees coming from Lucknow, Varanasi, Gorakhpur, Prayagraj and other cities. Security has also been tightened.”
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During Maha Kumbh, CM Yogi Adityanath's Cabinet approved transformative projects for Uttar Pradesh's development.
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