The Rouse Avenue Court has issued a new summon to BJP MP Bansuri Swaraj in a criminal defamation case filed by Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Satyendra Jain. The earlier summon sent by the court had failed to reach Swaraj, prompting the issuance of a fresh one. The case is scheduled for hearing on January 4, 2024, when the statements of Satyendra Jain and his two witnesses will be recorded.
Satyendra Jain accused Swaraj of defaming him during a television interview on October 5, 2023, which was widely broadcast and viewed by millions. During the media interview, Swaraj made allegations that Rs 3 crore in cash, 1.8 kg of gold, and 133 gold coins were recovered from Jain’s residence.
Jain has termed these claims as baseless and politically motivated, aimed at tarnishing his reputation for political gain.
Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Satyendra Jain, who has been granted bail after spending significant time in jail, is currently out on bail in a money laundering case. He was arrested on May 30, 2022, following an FIR filed by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in 2017 over alleged money laundering activities.
The defamation case continues as Jain seeks redress for the damage to his image caused by the statements made by Swaraj. “It is stated that these statements were made in context with the raid of ED at the complaint’s house. He is on bail in this case and the same is pending before the court”, read the filed complaint.
Also Read: SC cancels bail of former Rajasthan MLA Giriraj Singh Malinga, orders him to surrender
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