Mukesh Ambani, the owner of Reliance Industries Limited and one of India’s most prominent industrialists, visited Badrinath Dham on Thursday, October 12. There, he paid his respects at the shrine of Baba Badrinath and performed a special puja and Archana. Mukesh Ambani arrived at Badrinath via his chartered helicopter, landing at the civil helipad, where the members and officials of the Badrinath-Kedarnath Temple Committee (BKTC) had gathered to welcome him. He was presented with a garland of flowers and received a warm welcome. Security arrangements were in place during his visit.
Mukesh Ambani took part in the special puja and Archana at Baba Badrinath Dham and received the blessings in a traditional manner. Mukesh Ambani visits Badrinath Dham every year and participates in the special puja. As in previous years, he arrived at Badrinath on Thursday and participated in the puja. Given the presence of Mukesh Ambani, strict security measures were in place, and a large number of police personnel were deployed.
Mukesh Ambani, the richest Indian in the country, topped the ‘360 Wealth Hurun India’ list of India’s wealthiest individuals for 2023, surpassing the Adani Group once again. According to this list, the 66-year-old Ambani’s wealth increased by two percent to reach INR 8.08 lakh crore.
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