The Winter Session of the Uttar Pradesh Assembly will begin on December 16 and run for five days. The session is expected to be contentious, with the Opposition, led by the Samajwadi Party (SP), planning to target the government over issues like the Sambhal violence and anti-encroachment drives.
Ahead of the session, an all-party meeting was held on Sunday. It was chaired by Assembly Speaker Satish Mahana. The meeting aimed to resolve differences and ensure smooth proceedings during the session.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, along with the Speaker, called for cooperation from all parties. They emphasized that constructive discussions are crucial for the state’s development and for addressing public concerns.
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The Chief Minister stressed the importance of the House as a platform for resolving key issues. He urged that disruptions should not obstruct the House’s work and that all parties should work together for its smooth operation.
“The cooperation of all parties is essential for the effective functioning of the House,” he added.
The meeting included key figures such as Finance Minister Suresh Khanna, Opposition Leader Mata Prasad Pandey, Cabinet Minister Sanjay Nishad, Congress MLA Anuradha Mishra Mona, and others.
The Winter Session will be held from December 16 to 20. The supplementary budget will likely be presented on December 17, with discussions scheduled for the following day. Legislative work will take place on December 19 and 20.