Union Home Minister Amit Shah expressed his condolences on Wednesday after a tragic train accident in Jalgaon district, Maharashtra. Several passengers were reportedly killed, and 30-40 others injured when passengers of the Pushpak Express, fearing a fire, jumped off the train and were struck by the incoming Karnataka Express.
In a post on X, Shah wrote, “The train accident in Jalgaon, Maharashtra is very sad. I spoke to Chief Minister Shri @Dev_Fadnavis and got information about the accident. The local administration is providing all possible help to the injured. I express my deepest condolences to the families of those who lost their lives in this accident and wish the injured a speedy recovery.”
President Murmu Expresses Condolences
President Droupadi Murmu also shared her grief regarding the train tragedy, offering her condolences to the families of the deceased. In a statement, she wrote, “The news of the death of many passengers in the railway track accident in Jalgaon, Maharashtra is extremely painful. I express my deepest condolences to the bereaved families. I pray to God that all the injured passengers recover soon.”
The accident occurred around 5 p.m. on the railway line between Mahiji and Pardhade stations. The Pushpak Express, en route from Lucknow to Mumbai, had come to a halt after passengers pulled the emergency chain. At the same time, the Karnataka Express, traveling from Manmad to Bhusawal, was approaching on the parallel track.
Eyewitnesses reported that sparks appeared from the wheels of the Pushpak Express as it halted near Paranda station. A rumour of a fire quickly spread among passengers, causing panic. Several passengers jumped off the train and were hit by the Karnataka Express.
Casualties And Ongoing Rescue Operations
Preliminary reports suggest that 8 to 10 people lost their lives, with 30 to 40 others injured. Jalgaon SP confirmed the fatalities and stated, “Several passengers jumped off the train after rumours of a fire. Unfortunately, they were hit by the Karnataka Express coming from the opposite direction.”
Railway authorities, including the Divisional Railway Manager of Bhusawal, along with medical teams and local administration, have reached the site to oversee rescue and relief efforts. Senior railway officials and state government teams are coordinating the response to ensure medical attention for the injured and to investigate the incident.