In preparation for Mahakumbh Mela-2025, the Railways held a coordination meeting with the District Administration, Fair Authority, and Police at the North Central Railway Headquarters in Prayagraj. The Railways announced plans to operate 900 special trains for devotees and develop the capacity to issue 10 lakh tickets per day. Projects worth Rs 933 crore are being implemented to upgrade stations and improve facilities ahead of the event.
Railway General Manager Upendra Chandra Joshi stated that major projects, including new platforms, footbridges, and passenger shelters, are in the advanced stages. These will be completed by November 2024. Additionally, the Prayagraj-Varanasi route is being doubled, and a new rail bridge at Jhunsi is under construction. Stations like Prayagraj Junction and Rambagh are also being remodeled for better train handling during the fair.
Authorities discussed crowd control at nine stations in the Prayagraj region during the fair. Commissioner Prayagraj emphasized widening station gates and ensuring safe, non-slippery stairs. Mela Officer Vijay Kiran Anand called for station-wise teams and inter-departmental coordination to manage large crowds and train evacuations efficiently. He also suggested arranging extra trains for Ayodhya and Varanasi if needed.
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