Prime Minister Narendra Modi made history on Friday as he became the first non-Bhutanese recipient of the prestigious Order of the Druk Gyalpo, Bhutan’s highest civilian award. This landmark moment took place during his two-day state visit to Bhutan, where he met with Bhutan’s King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck in Thimphu.
PM Modi’s reception of the Order of the Druk Gyalpo also marks him as the first foreign head of government to be bestowed with this esteemed honor. The award ceremony occurred following the leaders’ meeting in the capital, underscoring the close ties between India and Bhutan.
The Order of the Druk Gyalpo holds significant importance in Bhutan’s honor system, representing a lifetime achievement accolade that surpasses all other orders, decorations, and medals. It is a testament to PM Modi’s remarkable contributions and his deepening relationship with Bhutan.
Previously, this distinguished award has been bestowed upon only four individuals of great eminence. Among them are Her Majesty Royal Queen Grandmother Ashi Kesang Choden Wangchuck in 2008, His Holiness Je Thrizur Tenzin Dendup (68th Je Khenpo of Bhutan) in 2008, and His Holiness Je Khenpo Trulku Ngawang Jigme Choedra in 2018. The Je Khenpo holds the esteemed position of Chief Abbot of the Central Monastic Body of Bhutan.
In response to receiving the Order of the Druk Gyalpo, PM Modi expressed his gratitude, stating, “Honored to be conferred with ‘Order of the Druk Gyalpo’ Award by Bhutan. I dedicate it to 140 crore Indians,” showcasing his humility and appreciation for the recognition bestowed upon him by the Kingdom of Bhutan.
PM Modi received a grand welcome upon his arrival at Paro airport, greeted warmly by Bhutanese PM Tshering Tobgay. Unprecedented scenes unfolded as people lined the 45 km stretch from Paro to Thimphu to welcome him.
Expressing gratitude for the warm reception, PM Modi thanked Bhutanese citizens, especially the young, for the unforgettable welcome to their beautiful nation. Upon reaching Thimphu, Bhutanese youngsters welcomed him with a special performance on a garba song penned by Modi himself.
Interacting with Indian diaspora and local officials, PM Modi engaged in discussions outside his hotel, adorned with huge welcoming banners. Later, Modi and Tobgay reviewed bilateral ties, witnessing the signing of agreements on various sectors like petroleum, food, energy, sports, youth, medicinal products, and space cooperation.
This visit stands out as a rarity, with Indian Prime Ministers rarely undertaking foreign trips during election periods. The Model Code of Conduct, currently in effect in India ahead of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, precludes any significant announcements.
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