A journalist in Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu, named Nesaprabhu, who works for a local news organization, was attacked by a group of miscreants on Wednesday night. Nesaprabhu had been uncovering irregularities in a government-owned liquor sale company. He was suspicious about his endangered safety and had also informed the officials about it.
Call recordings related to the incident revealed that Nesaprabhu had contacted the police multiple times, reporting that a group of men were chasing him. He even sought help from the police a few hours before the attack. The journalist informed the police that six men had been following him for several days, and their faces were captured on various CCTV cameras in the area.
Nesaprabhu mentioned that the miscreants were driving a vehicle without a number plate. In the call recordings, a police officer advised Nesaprabhu to take note of the vehicle’s colour, assuring him that there would be no problem. However, when Nesaprabhu called the police for the fourth time, they mentioned being busy with a case in Karadivayal village.
Nesaprabhu repeatedly asked for aid from the police and asked them to check nearby CCTV cameras to identify the vehicle, the police assured they would look into the matter. On the day of the incident, a few hours before the attack, Nesaprabhu informed the police that he was again chased by two men on a two-wheeler. When he expressed that his life was in danger, a police officer told him they were in Karadivayal. Shortly after this call, Nesaprabhu was assaulted by two men and was later taken to the hospital.
As of now, there are no reports of the attackers being identified or arrested. Information on any action against police officials is also not available.
Former Chief Minister Edappadi K Palaniswami expressed concern about the incident, condemning the police inaction. He mentioned that Nesaprabhu had continuously alerted the police about the dangerous situation and criticized the government’s police for not taking appropriate action.
Palaniswami prayed for Nesaprabhu’s speedy recovery, called for the attackers’ immediate arrest, and emphasized the need for a safe environment for journalists to work freely in Tamil Nadu.
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